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Testimonials & Reviews

Farr Medical Group, Inc. -  - Board Certified Family Practice Physician

Farr Medical Group, Inc.

Board Certified Family Practice Physicians located in Brimhall area, Bakersfield, CA

4.9/5 Star Rating
1371 total reviews

Farr Medical Group, Inc. always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 1371 reviews with an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Farr Medical Group, Inc. below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/19/24
Susan is very good at answering questions and providing information. I would highly recommend her medical services!
Brett P.
1/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/19/24
I’ve left a couple of reviews about my experience with this practice. My frustration and suffering centers around the handling of my care by one person primarily….the PM Becky. I was with Dr Farr’s office around 3 years. In that time I’ve seen Dr Farr, Patel, & Schneider. Dr Farr is the only practitioner thet helped me consistently. He did so by listening and taking quick and decisive action. The other two, while I’m sure they meant well, just weren’t very adept in recognizing patterns tied to issues that were CLEARLY outside of their scope of expertise. In 2021 I began experiencing a constant and weird smelling discharge from my left ear. I have decades of medical history and surgeries related to my left ear. I was under the care of an ENT for most of my childhood, and my left ear drum had so many perforations by the time I was 11 years old I had to have a repair surgery; this being in addition to all the tube surgeries. I was diagnosed with a 20% hearing loss in my left ear. I’ve dealt with chronic ear infections and sinus problems my entire life. I say all of this because it’s pertinent info when dealing with me as a patient. I simply don’t have a normal left ear- the landmarks in my ear look different than normal ears bc of all the procedures I’ve had. So, primary care physicians are generally not able to provide adequate treatment for my ear when something is wrong in my experience. When advised Farr medical of this constant runny discharge that smelled funny….they cultured the ear, scoped it, and tried to clean it. The culture came back negative. The discharge didn’t go away and I begged for a referral given my history. They declined and I proceeded to come back another 4-5 times over the next 8 months only for them to continue rejecting my pleas to be referred. They tried another culture, cleaning, and when all that came back negative they assured me something was wrong. I’m a huge proponent of patient advocacy, especially for myself, so I kept insisting something was wrong. They changed the diagnosis 3 times during this period. Otorhea, otitis, and external otitis. You can do a simple search online….look up “ear symptoms constant sour smelling liquid discharge.” Two things become abundantly clear. This symptom ISNT NORMAL and should not have been ignored. The other….is a diagnosis that PERFECTLY MATCHES the symptoms, and whose causes completely match my history. It’s a benign tumor known as Cholesteatoma. This mass is behind the ear drum comprised of dead cells and trapped air that causes a constant liquid foul smelling discharge. It also leads to ear infections and hearing loss if untreated. So, I had to suffer this discharge for long enough to get an ear infection, in addition to hearing loss that may or may not be permanent, for them to finally see a problem and diagnose an “outer ear infection,” and prescribe acetic acid ear drops. The problem was it wasn’t an outer ear infection, it was an inner ear infection. Those drops excessively dried out and agitated my ear leading to an abscess that ruptured overnight. When i called in on the brink of tears telling them I woke up in a puddle full of blood, they finally wrote me a referral to see an ENT. 8 MOS LATER! The ENT took 2 minutes to look in my ear and diagnose the ruptured abscess. He also was suspicious that I may have the cholesteatoma but he couldn’t confirm the diagnosis because of the obstruction of my ear drum by all the blood and swelling from the abscess and infection. So he prescribed some really unique compounded ear drops that cleared up the abscess, infection, and the discharge in two weeks. I was so relieved….i can’t even put it into words. It was the first time in a while I felt normal. Well, a few weeks ago the runny discharge symptoms from my left ear reappeared. I knew in my bones I had the tumor and I’m going to have to have surgery. I call in to Farr Medical and ask for a referral right away. The first girl I talk to tells me to call Dr Vadapali’s office first to see if the referral is still active. I do that, and they tell me no I need a new one. Ok, the girl at Farr told me to call back if it wasn’t and they’d get me a new one so I think no biggie. I call back, but it’s a new girl….i catch her up and instead of looking at my history and hearing the urgency of my symptoms and the distress I’m in….and suggesting the quickest course of action, she proceeds to tell me that it’s been too long since my last visit. They need updated referral notes and again keeps hammering on the fact that “I haven’t seen them in sooo long,” I swear it felt like she wanted me to know I’m at fault here in some way. I’m kind of just stunned at this point….firstly, bc my last visit was like 6 mos ago for a medication check up. That’s not a long time between routine visits for a 38 year old lol!!! We go around for circles for so long that i finally cave in frustration and say something like, “ok so do I need to schedule a physical or something to get this referral….like what is the point of this conversation, and are you going to help me!?” Hearing my frustration and tone she snaps back and says that they’re booking physicals out to December right now. I’m in pain, I’m exhausted, and I’m getting triggered by the trauma of the last time they tried to treat my ear so I’m not going to lie I totally lost my cool……I assumed, bc she made no attempt to otherwise directly help me schedule an an immediate appointment for a referral, that I would have to 3 months to be seen for an urgent condition. So I ask to be escalated to her manager and I’m clearly upset and I even tell her they were completely negligent the last time they treated this ear and I’m scared of them going anywhere near my ear. I just want a referral to the ENT that actually knew what he was doing before I go DEAF!!!! I told her it was unacceptable to have to wait 3 mos to be seen to get a referral. Do you know what she says?? In the most self righteous and sarcastic tone she says “I didn’t say you’d have to wait 3 mos for an appointment Brett I said we’re booking physicals out to December.” I just laugh In disbelief at this point….im a very successful sales and business development professional and I’m thinking how quickly I’d have no career if I conducted myself like this…..arguing semantics and stringing along a customer who’s clearly in distress and needs help; all out of some small sense of spite or bruised ego from tense words with a frustrated patient. So I just break down and ask for help. I asked plainly when can she get me in to see someone for a referral. Instead of “de escalating,” which should always be instinct in these situations for people in customer facing roles, she rejected that request and maintained that bc I asked to be escalated to her PM, I’d have to do that she can’t help me. Of course the PM Becky isn’t there and didn’t call me back. That’s standard for this practice though just go read their Yelp Reviews. They aren’t even in customer service; the culture up front is that abysmal and that’s on Becky. So I call in the next day and try to pretend like I’m a normal patient and just see if I might catch a different person up front and just ask to be seen as quickly as possible. Well they clearly talked as an office and were expecting me bc they asked me to hold and transferred me directly to Becky…..where positive patient outcomes and experiences go to die lol. So they met and talked about me and had a plan for me….but she still wasn’t going to call me back??? A patient in distress? Just a disastrous approach to care and zero regard for patient well being. I’ll try be brief but this is my story and all of this happened. I hope to prove that with recorded phone calls, patient records, etc in a deposition someday, but for now all I have is my truth. So she had no interest in helping me medically. She clearly wasnt familiarized with my chart and the ear history. She had zero interest in understanding my complaint and frustration. She didn’t listen to the phone calls with her staff early to assess the facts…..she had done nothing to suggested she wanted to be impartial and come to a resolution. She had one goal in mind….to put me in my place, flex her authority in her little office kingdom, and terminate me from the practice. After she made that clear by yelling over me THE ENTIRE time. I can’t wait for these audio recordings because you will literally hear me saying “can you please just listen to me” over and over again lol. So she terminates and hangs up on me….no warning, no notification to allow me time to find a new doctor while still caring for me…..just straight up “cold blooded cut you off I don’t care what’s going on with your health.” That is honestly what it felt like. I proceeded to call in another 4 times that day to get access to my medical records so I could expedite the process of getting to an ENT. She revoked my access to the patient portal so I couldn’t get my records there either. I’ve texted and sent 5-6 emails in the last month or more still asking for them to send my records and I’ve supplied the fax number to my new practice to do so. I pray to god that you never experience the vitriol, hatred, and scorn that this woman has levied on me and used as motivation to completely block my access to getting critical and efficient treatment for what has now been officially diagnosed as a tumor in my left ear. All because she doesnt like me. She made it abundantly clear that she doesn’t like me mostly because i threaten to, and leave bad reviews. Newsflash Becky, freedom of speech is my constitutional right and you HAVE NO right to assess my eligibility for care based on my exercising my free speech. Here’s a novel thought, instead of hating a patient that leaves bad reviews, why don’t you attempt to fix and address the causes of those bad reviews like every other business manager out there!? I was referred to an audiologist by my new general and I now have additional hearing loss in that ear. I’m having a hard time at work and in basic conversations with my family and friends bc it’s really hard to hear out of my left ear. My primary didn’t refer me to an ENT right away bc I didn’t have my records and couldn’t remember that the ENT was worried about a Cholesteatoma so she just gave me anti biotics to start. That took care of the infection but the discharge and hearing loss has accelerated. Finally, my new primary connected the symptoms and realized something is very wrong and referred me right away. It’s what we feared and I have to have surgery. I also may need to have ear drum re-constructive surgery bc these symptoms have persisted for so long that they’ve created a pressure imbalance in my ear that’s causing my ear drum to collapse on itself. I’m sharing all of this in great detail because I want people to know my story. I want Becky and Dr Farr to understand the cost of their mistreatment and personal vendetta against me….i know I was difficult and upset and not easy to deal with, but do you honestly feel justified in revoking critical care without notice when I needed it most? Becky’s nonchalant response to my worry about not having care was to go to critical care. They can’t perform surgery Becky and they won’t refer me. It’s so disheartening that you said something like that in such a dismissive tone. I don’t know if you’re a heartless person, but in that moment you were. Why have you been blocking my every attempt to empower my next provider with the info needed to quickly help me? My medical records….like why!?? Do you actually think that’s the right way to run a medical office and treat a human being???? Do you not think I was entitled to my frustrations and distress after the 8 month long disaster trying to treat my ear? I know it was a win financially for you guys because I looked at my visit history through my insurance app. You guys billed for a ton of visits, procedures, tests, and medicine….none of which worked. Nobody from your practice has even apologized. Are you really surprised that I looked up Dr Farr’s license and submitted a formal complaint to medical board? Would you not want to take legal action in my position if your hearing, a vital asset in my profession, was potentially permanently compromised!?? I gave you an opportunity to fix this. I tried. I asked you to write me a referral and have Becky apologize to me. If you did that I’d have been happy to walk away on good terms. But, you didn’t and now my ear is messed up and I’m very motivated to see those responsible are held accountable. I don’t care how much it costs if it enacts a permanent change at the practice that prevents something like this from ever happening again, it’ll be worth it.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/19/24
Susan, as well as the entire staff have been wonderful. They take the time to listen and understand my issues, recommending courses of action to improve my condition. I’ll never go elsewhere!
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/18/24
Was delighted with the timeliness, listened and met my needs quite nicely. I would gladly see E Aaron again and again.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/17/24
Aron is one of the kindest and caring Provider I have seen.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/09/24
Thoughtful and competent.Very eay to talk to.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/08/24
Great listener, very informative, caring, and sympathetic. I would highly recommend Aaron to everyone!
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/08/24
The best experience at a doctors office. She explained everything and I left with all the pertinent information that I needed. I felt it a pleasant experience. She is good at what she does.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/06/24
Very good.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/05/24
I have had the best experience with Aaron Peinado. He is very understanding and compassionate.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/01/24
Susie is always very attentive. Very personal.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/01/24
Aaron was very professional and took time to answer all my concerns.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/01/24
Aaron was very personable and made me feel very comfortable.
Patricia N.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/28/24
Susan Schneider is very professional and yet makes you feel relaxed. I always look forward to seeing her and know I am being well taken care of.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/26/24
Dr. Campos and staff are very kind and experienced she really knows how to diagnose problems you come to see her about.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/25/24
Friendly , thorough to the point with follow up test to follow.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/23/24
Hi Susan, I was really looking forward to seeing you, as I value your opinion, expertise and candidness, and quite frankly truly enjoy our professional relationship. Unfortunately, I had to travel out of state on business and could not make the appointment for my "healthy journeys" blood work and review. The problem that I do have is now that I have relinquished "my appointment in queue" and the next available appointment with you is not until December! Your office staff needs to come up with a better system to reach out to clients to fill in appointments, maybe using the portal as a communications tool.
Lisa B.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/18/24
Dr. Campos is someone who listens to her patients and I’ve never felt rushed or a question to silly to ask - it’s so reassuring that she makes her patients feel comfortable and takes her time with you - so happy to have found this wonderful Doctor whose name I received from my sister in law!!! Thank you Dr. Campos, our family loves you!!!!!!
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/18/24
She explains everything super good and provides alternatives.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/17/24
Susan Schneider FNP is very experienced. She always takes good care of us.